Thursday, October 30, 2014

Hello, My Name Is...

My name is Katie, I'm not a writer and I'm not as witty as my husband but I do have three amazing kids who keep me on my toes. I share this almost average life with an amazing law enforcement officer who keeps me laughing through the chaos.

I'm a stay at home mom and do a bit of design drafting for engineering firms on the side. I spend my days making amateur bento lunches for my kindergartner, keeping up with my three year old and playing with my new baby girl. In-between I try to keep the house in shape but right now my specialty is fun adventures with my kids, and that's ok.

Hope you enjoy the average ramblings from this average mom about her almost average life.

Post One, the Dedication

I started this blog without having a clear picture of what I wanted to do or where I wanted to take it. All I know is our life is too unforgettable for me to miss a moment and I'm lucky enough to have the technology to document it. So here's to the start of something for you Sean, Liam and Olivia.